Course Outline

Day 1

1. Introduction to automated testing
- Test automation concepts & advantages
- Possibilities and limitations of Selenium Vs. more modern tools

2. Locators
- Understanding locators
- ID, CSS, XPath and Name locator types
- Testability features and best practices
- Creating dynamic locators

3. Selenium WebDriver
- Setup and Java basics
- Selenium IDE
- WebDriver API
- Preparation of a basic Java Selenium project
- Debugging

Day 2

4. TestNG
- Assertions
- Annotations
- Test suite and parallel testing
- Extra: Cross-Browser testing
- Extra: Reporting

5. Advanced Selenium
- Page Object Model and more advanced Java Selenium project
- Preparing Maven project in Java
- Best practices: building a healthy and growable test

6. Putting everything together
- Testing a real web-app with Selenium
- Prepare Reporting and deliver it
- Q&A - Final considerations - Wrap up


  • Basic knowledge of IT and testing concepts
  • Basic knowledge of Java, OO Programming concepts
  • Basic knowledge of HTML and XML


 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (6)

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