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Schița de curs
- Ingineria sistemelor (SE)
- SysML Obiective și origini
- SysML Diagrame
- Abordare propusă
Modelarea cerințelor
- Use Case Diagrama
- Diagrama secvenței
- Diagrama cerințelor
Modelare structurală
- Bloc, tip valoare
- Compunere, agregare, asociere, generalizare
- Diagrama de definiție a blocurilor
- Diagrama bloc internă
- Specificație port, interfață, flux
- Diagrama pachetului
Modelare dinamică
- Diagrama de stare
- Diagrama de activitate
Modelare transversală
- Diagrama parametrică
- Conceptul de alocare
- Diagrama cerințelor și trasabilitate
- Cei patru stâlpi ai SysML
- Cuvinte încrucișate
- SysML Instrumente
- Resurse
Experiență în ingineria sistemelor
21 ore
Mărturii (4)
Exerciții practice în EA.
Paweł - Krajowa Szkoła Skarbowości
Curs - UML in Enterprise Architect (workshops)
Tradus de catre o masina
-Knowledge of the teacher in the subject was really good. He was able to explain very nicely and was able to answer all the questions at that moment. -To be able to know what all the tool is capable of was really good. -The structure he showed, like using scenarios and traceability would be really helpful in my day-to-day work.
Harsha Jain - Scania CV AB
Curs - Introduction to Enterprise Architect
Great knowledge.
Marie - Forsvarets forkningsinstitutt
Curs - Systems Modeling with SysML and Enterprise Architect (EA)
I really enjoyed the real examples and exercises.