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Schița de curs
- Noțiuni introductive cu SPSS
- Obținerea, editarea și salvarea rezultatelor statistice
- Manipularea datelor
- Descriptive Statistics Proceduri
- Evaluarea ipotezelor de distribuție a scorurilor
- t Teste
- Diferențele de grup univariate: Anova și Ancova
- Diferențele de grup multivariate: Manova
- Proceduri neparametrice pentru analiza datelor de frecvență
- Corelații
- Regresie cu variabile cantitative
- Regresie cu variabile categoriale
- Analiza componentelor principale și analiza factorială
21 ore
Mărturii (4)
We were using road accident data for practicals
Maphahamiso Ralienyane - Road Safety Department
Curs - Statistical Analysis using SPSS
Trainer used our data (that we understand)to make training exercises.
Maphahamiso Ralienyane - Road Safety Department
Curs - Statistical Analysis using SPSS
It was insightful and I gained a lot of new skills
Mamonyane Taoana - Road Safety Department
Curs - Statistical Analysis using SPSS
the trainer had patience, and was eager to make sure we all understood the topics, the classes were fun to attend