Explorati cursurile noastre
ARM Technology
14 oreBerkeley DB for Developers
21 oreC++ for Embedded Systems
21 oreRaspberry Pi
7 oreRaspberry Pi for Beginners
14 oreYocto Project
28 oreLearning Vivado
14 oreMicrocontroller Design
35 oreAdvanced Arduino Programming
14 oreNetApp ONTAP
35 oreLast Updated:
Poate că mai multe exerciții ar putea fi mai bune pentru învățare, dar timpul a fost prea puțin.
Gianpiero Arico' - Urmet Spa
Curs - Embedded Linux Systems Architecture
Tradus de catre o masina
He answers my questions very well explained.
Khaled Almarzooqi - Beamtrail
Curs - Circuits and Electronics Fundamentals
Sean was a dynamic speaker and the hands-on exercises were very interesting and I can see how they will be really applicable.
Temira Koenig - Yeshiva University
Curs - Raspberry Pi for Beginners
Interactivity, time for self-contained programming. I learn easier if I have the chance to find out the answer and not just telling me it. It was also a very good thing that the training was well-planned, we kept coffee pauses and the training did not lose my attention. The trainer had very deep knowledge in C++, we felt we could ask anything.
Barna Szécsi - GIS Europe SE
Curs - C++ for Embedded Systems
I thought the content (both theory and practical) was excellent, and exactly what we were wanting/expecting. The exercises were challenging but achievable.
Mike Kleinau - iVolve
Curs - Introduction to Embedded Linux (Hands-on training)
That the trainer adapts to our needs
Curs - The Yocto Project - An Overview - hands-on
Trainerul a fost foarte amabil și bine informat, mergând în plus pentru a explica lucruri pe care nu le știam.
Felix - Microchip Technology Inc
Curs - Embedded C Application Design Principles for Automotive Professionals
Tradus de catre o masina
The details on how compiler behaves depending on to the syntax usage. The "Quiz" sections are very stimulating
Andrea Pomatto
Curs - Using C++ in Embedded Systems - Applying C++11/C++14
Exemple bune, accent pe materialul cel mai util
Piotr Sowiński - Intel Technology Poland
Curs - Object Oriented Programming with C++
Tradus de catre o masina
Basic steps that are very useful when in schematic/ PCB workspace and presented Advanced features, actual demos to follow
hedda david - Allegro Microsystems Philippines, Inc.
Curs - PCB Circuit Design with Altium
Lucrări practice
James - Argent Energy
Curs - Introduction to IoT Using Arduino
Tradus de catre o masina
The aquisition of useful knowlwdge and clarification of some things I was not sure of peviously.
Kenneth Mahoney - University of Glasgow
Curs - Arduino: Programming a Microcontroller for Beginners
I genuinely enjoyed the trainer knowledge.
Aaron Swift - ITW Hobart
Curs - FreeRTOS: Programming for Real Time Operating Systems
I really enjoy having a virtual PC online, I can do exercises whenever I want
Dongfu Li - Northforge Innovations Inc
Curs - Yocto Project
I liked the hands-on nature of it.