Schița de curs
Ce este leadershipul?
- Diferențele dintre un lider și un manager
- Lideri din viețile noastre
Competențe de lider:
- Cum gândesc liderii
- Ce fac liderii
- Poate fi cineva lider?
Leadership stiluri
Goal setare
- Cum să stabilești obiective inspiratoare
Vorbind în public pentru lideri:
- Cum să-ți structurezi discursul?
- Ce cuvinte ar trebui să folosești/nu folosiți?
Cum să faci oamenii să te urmărească?
- Îmbrățișând ca un egal
- Comunicarea
Nu sunt necesare cunoștințe prealabile.
Mărturii (7)
Due to the activities from each content, I understood their main ideas/ concepts very well within a short time. I would like to say that the activity reflects on not only our current situation but also how to advance the skill & knowledge effectively and efficiently.
Ei Ei - Ooredoo Myanmar
Curs - Leadership 101
I liked that it touched on the psychology of why people respond to situations in the way that they do, it gave me a better understanding of how to lead effectively while taking the perceptions of others into account.
Jenny Reagan - Treace Medical Concepts
Curs - Leadership 101
Adam was very interactive, light, informative and you can tell he really enjoys what he does. NobleProg is very lucky to have him!
Alyssa Munoz - Treace Medical Concepts
Curs - Leadership 101
Adaptive Leadership
Apena Raymond - Quartzelec Ltd (Philippines Branch)
Curs - Leadership 101
About the different about leader and manager
Raymond Apena - Quartzelec Ltd (Philippines Branch)
Curs - Leadership 101
About the different about leader and manager
Raymond Apena - Quartzelec Ltd (Philippines Branch)
Curs - Leadership 101
About the different about leader and manager