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Oracle Primavera Cloud
14 oreJira Service Management
7 oreOracle Primavera P6
14 oreMastering Jira Forms
21 oreAdvisory & Leadership Skills
14 oreShift management
14 oreEffective Project Management
21 oreProject Planning 101
7 oreJIRA for Administrators
7 oreJIRA for Advanced Users
7 oreJIRA for Beginners
7 oreSAFe® for Teams
14 oreThe Kanban Method (TKP)
7 oreAgile Business Analysis
14 oreAgile Software Testing
14 oreScrum Master II
7 oreLast Updated:
Trainerul a vorbit cu pasiune despre multe dintre gânduri, ceea ce a fost foarte motivant.
Curs - SAFe® Scrum Master with SSM Certification
Tradus de catre o masina
Mi-au plăcut pauzele de lucru și șansa de a lucra cu colegii mei de curs. De asemenea, mi-a plăcut grupul mic pe care l-am avut, deși înțeleg că nu este o normă.
David - Home Office
Curs - Professional Scrum Product Owner II
Tradus de catre o masina
Fantastic curs, mi-ar plăcea să fac un curs mai lung pentru a învăța mai mult!
Curs - Scrum for Managers and Executives
Tradus de catre o masina
Formatorul este foarte bine informat asupra subiectului și este capabil să ofere exemple din lumea reală prin experiența sa.
Curs - Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration
Tradus de catre o masina
Expertiza lui Xavier și răspunsurile sale la întrebările/remarcile noastre
Sébastien - Chantier naval de Marseille
Curs - MS Project for Software Managers
Tradus de catre o masina
Exemple și exerciții practice
Mohamed Amine - Thales Group
Curs - Oracle Primavera P6
Tradus de catre o masina
Great attiude of trainer and real life examples not just dry theory.
Curs - Professional Scrum Master II | PSM II (Scrum.org accredited training course)
exemple excelente, cooperare între gazdă și cursanți, atmosferă plăcută, echilibru bun între lecții, exerciții, luarea de panouri și pauze.
Curs - ITIL Foundation V4® ( AXELOS accredited training course with exam )
Tradus de catre o masina
The interactive sessions, debates and getting to use actual examples for the session
JACOLIEN VOGES - Pernod Ricard
Curs - Kanban Management Professional 1
sharing experiences and sharing other materials not included in the package.
BRYAN SANTOS - Mizuho Bank Ltd - Manila Branch
Curs - Agile Business Analysis
Faptul că am învățat o nouă abordare pentru scrierea testelor unitare este partea care mi-a plăcut cel mai mult la acest curs. De asemenea, mi-a plăcut discuția liberă pe care am avut-o, faptul că am dezbătut anumite subiecte, mi-a plăcut munca în echipă pe care am avut-o, ne-a făcut să analizăm dintr-o altă perspectivă cerințele poveștilor de utilizator și am apreciat și intervenția trainerului care ne-a sugerat diferite soluții atunci când eram blocați în luarea unor decizii.
Crina-Maria Rosu - ACCENTURE
Curs - Agile and TDD with C
Tradus de catre o masina
M-am bucurat foarte mult de acest training! A fost cât se poate de interactiv, având în vedere configurația virtuală actuală. Modul foarte structurat și clar de împărtășire a cunoștințelor! Se simte cu siguranță că formatorul are o experiență vastă în lucrul în SAFE. Aș recomanda foarte mult acest formator!
Curs - SAFe® Product Owner/Product Manager with POPM Cerification
Tradus de catre o masina
The trainer made it easy to learn the topics and I liked having access to the training site so I could play along as we went.
Amy Bain - Metro Bank
Curs - JIRA for Beginners
Marek was AWESOME. And I insist... he really was awesome. His level of knowledge, enthusiasm, organisation... he really was well prepared and in-control of the course material. I loved he did demonstrations instead of diagrams... it was a lot more interactive, and we could answer questions related to the situation we were seeing.
Eliane Champagne - Bell Solutions techniques
Curs - JIRA for Administrators
The theory, the examples, the excercices, the explanations.
bao thanh n guyen van - EDQM - Council of Europe - Conseil de l'Europe
Curs - Agile Software Testing
Trainer's friendliness and willingness to correct trainee
Benjamin Yang
Curs - Project Management with Trello
Mi-a plăcut foarte mult atmosfera și liniștea antrenorului.
Daniel Iliescu - Provident Polska S.A.
Curs - Effective Agile Project Management with Jira & Confluence
Tradus de catre o masina
That was amazing! I've never been to a training like that before: mix of knowledge, professionalism, politeness, amazing contact with the audience.
Karolina Wronska - Spartez Sp. z o.o. sp. k.
Curs - Scrum Product Owner
Students were provided the opportunity to freely discuss the topics and ask questions to the trainer
Krzysztof Sikorski - British American Tobacco
Curs - Project Management Fundamentals
That after 3 days of training I have the entire overview on Agile how to use them in my case, how to calculate efficiency, approach negative employees and many more.
Joanna Meza - Zurich Insurance
Curs - Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban
The training covered all the topics I was interested in.
Kim Hassan - Litera Microsystems
Curs - JIRA for Advanced Users
I really enjoyed the real examples and exercises.
Dmitry Baranovsky
Curs - Introduction to Domain Driven Design
All of it. Having had no previous exposure to Jenkins, I was a little concerned about my ability to keep up. IPad provided appropriate coaching/support, when I asked for help, so that I was able to follow the presentation at a level I was happy with.
Graham Congdon
Curs - Jenkins: Continuous integration for Agile development
I really liked the balls exercise.
alexis jamian
Curs - Scrum Essentials Workshop
I really enjoyed the content and exercises.